Friday, November 04, 2005

Nov 4th/ 2005

Hi, I'm cruiser and I've decided to put this post up seeing as my master has gone looking for those sticky things to cover the new holes I put in him.

It seems as though my "master" wanted to play that silly bite game again with me. I wonder how many times I'm gonna have to chew on him before he gets the hint, burlap tastes bad.

Started off as usual, he bounced around like an idiot in a futile attempt to keep me from biting that ratty old piece of burlap. Once I got a hold of it, he starts telling how good I am and all the rest of that crap. If I'm so good, why the hell doesn't he let go? I mean, this knob wants me to bite this thing, yet when I do he won't give it to me! It's like he enjoys it when I attack him! It seems as though I only get the damn thing when I practically swallow it. I wonder if he knows it's not really food... Oh well, if he wants me to gag, then gag I will. It sure beats letting that idiot win the tug game. Incidentally, how this dumb ass ended up in the role of alpha I'll never understand... First order of business when I grow up is to liberate this pack. How we have any territory left is beyond me...

So anyway, we play this ridiculous game of "Here, bite this, oh wonderful, but I'm not letting go" thing for a little while. Then get this! He decided in his infinate wisdom that it would be a good idea to touch me while I'm biting. If that damn burlap hadn't tried to shake itself free I woulda put "alpha" (and I use that term lightly) into the intensive care unit. Oh well, he got off light this time. Oh, that reminds me, one time when I bit him tonight he yelled something out. I must research what "sunavabitch" means. I suspect it's some sort of term of endearment but I'd like to make sure.

So we finish that game, and then Captain Goodnight thinks it would be fun to throw my favorite little tube thingy on the ground and blurt some sort of french phrase out. Well, after about 5 or 6 times doing that, there was no way in hell I was bringing that thing back to him. Stupid just kept throwing it down again! It simply amazes me that the pack in the neighboring territory hasn't completely run us out of this area yet... so so stupid.

Now came the ONLY good part of his nightly torture. He brought out those little crunchie things and had me doing that dance again. You probably won't believe this, but he gets QUITE a thrill when I lie down or sit. I mean, if you could see this idiots face when I lie down, you'd die laughing. Honestly! The crunchie thing is in his hand, his hand is pretty much on the ground, and you'd think I just split the atom the way he carries on everytime I lie down to eat. How does he think I'm gonna get the crunchie thing?? IT'S ON THE GROUND FER CRYING OUT LOUD. I HAVE TO LIE DOWN TO GET IT!!! It's only a matter of time now. Alpha will be mine soon. His day is coming...

Crap, he's found some of those tape things that seem to stem the flow of blood from the holes I made. I'll have to cut this short. (after all, I think he still had crunchie thingy's in his pocket)

Bye for now,



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