Monday, November 07, 2005

Nov 6th/05

Sunday night training ... If you got the previous post, you'd know how sore I was when I took off for training last night. Well, glad to see my soreness didn't rub off on the little guy. He worked great last night!! We moved him from the burlap to the leg sleeve last night (albiet the leg sleeve wasn't attached to a leg) but he was great. A lot less asshole, and a lot more happy dog. He was coming through the stick to hit the sleeve, then after winning it, trotted back to the rest of the club with his head/tail straight up and ears back, spun a 180 and went right back to the decoy and rammed him with the sleeve trying to get the game started again. Not just once, every time. So that was nice. His grips were great (not sure about the power, but they were nice and deep). And the best part... I didn't get attacked by my own dog! His positions are also coming along nicely. I barely have to hit him with the cricket bat to get him to lie down now. Such a smart boy... ;P Onward and upwards... tally ho!



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