Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Nov 9 - 2005

Well, just got home from an impromptu training session with some of the folks from my club. My little guy made me a proud papa tonight. Last session out and Cruiser was presented with the leg sleeve (sans leg). Tonight when I brought him out, he was given one bite on the leg sleeve again without anyone actually wearing it. He showed quite a bit of passion for that thing, so Vince put the sleeve on and without any real encouragement, he bit down on it when presented, re-gripped and held on for all he had. Complete with one or two good head shakes! So suffice to say, this Sunday we're switching him to a heavy training suit and going to work on his upper body bites. :P (kidding, but it was neat to see him go tonight) Too tired for any more OB so off to bed.



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