Just thought I would toss a picture up of the new decoy in our club. As you know we do French Ring. But recently we've decided to include a Personal Protection portion in our training. Holly is a specialist in teaching dogs to bite drunk people as they crawl around at your feet. In the photo above she's actually teaching that aspiring Mal to bite and shake someone who is looking for a contact lens. The realism she adds to each exercise is second to none... (she had a short stint teaching dogs how to attack crippled terrorists, but alas, there just didn't seem to be a market for attack dogs who only went after people who crawled.)
Anyway, I'll be sure to post more pictures as I get them.
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Hi, there Grant, I dropped in to look over this post because I wanted some info on dog training advice. I have to admit, theres some pretty good info here but I could not find anything about this post specifically. I was looking for information on dog training advice. Great blog thanks for the read.
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